What to bring to the hospital from real moms

We talked to some of our moms to find out their must-have items for the hospital during labor/delivery and their maternity stay:

Pack Early: I delivered five weeks early, and I would suggest to pack a hospital bag early just in case -- because if you for some reason go early, you will be so caught off guard you won't be thinking straight when you grab stuff.

-Karen P, White Plains, NY

Music: We made some mixes on iTunes / Spotify during my pregnancy, of meaningful songs or songs that had ‘baby’ in the title. This ended up being the most helpful thing – the music really carried me through and even the nurses said “wow, you guys have some great tunes!”

Bring a portable speaker too!

-Jade, Wichita, KS

Comfiness: A soft comfy old robe or gown that you can wear when you’re walking in the hallway in early labor or for afterwards…this felt really good to me. I also hated the hospital gown and didn't want to wear it after I delivered so I brought my own PJs from home and wore them during my stay.

Pillows from home -- I loved having this...the pillows at the hospital were terrible, and it was nice to have my own pillow and pillowcase. I would bring two next time, as my partner and I kind of fought over the one I brought :)

Maybe a towel from home. The hospital towel was tiny.

-Flory, Athens, GA

Nourishment: Snacks & Gatorade for your partner….mine ate bags and bags of trail mix. And tell your partner not to lock their knees (or else they may faint). Also lots of fluids for after you deliver - you lose a ton of liquid during delivery and frankly can get very dehydrated and constipated. If there are any foods you've been avoiding during pregnancy that sound really good for after and are easy to bring (sushi delivery?)

-Avra, North Hollywood, CA

Nursing: A nursing pillow can be helpful at the hospital. Remember deodorant -- I got super smelly in the early days of nursing. Also the Lasinoh disposable nursing pads were a lifesaver, and I tried every brand out there. Bought in bulk on Amazon.

-Josephine, Chicago, IL

Baby: Don't forget an outfit for the baby to come home in, as well as the infant car seat. If you're like me and haven't found out gender or are waiting to name the baby until you've met it, bring your list of possible names.

-Hazel, Charleston, SC

Other tips:

  • I got great advice to make sure to take all the blankets, diapers, hats, pacifiers, nasal bulbs from the hospital....anything that isn't nailed down. Years later, we're still using those white, blue, and pink striped blankets as burp cloths, and initially used them as swaddles.

  • Leave rings/jewelry at home.

  • Eat before you go to the hospital as they won't let you eat during labor / delivery.

  • Watch Happiest Baby on the Block. Super helpful for knowing how to soothe new babies.

  • Find out if your hospital offers footprint cards. I had to ask for this, and I'm really glad we did it. Also perfect to include in your Ultimate Baby Book.


A letter to my daughter on her first birthday...


A Mom's Perspective on the Ultimate Baby Book Process